Friday, January 13, 2017

Week in Review 2017: #2

I can't believe our second week of 2017 is done! After last weeks snow storm, this week turned out to be very nice. The beginning of the week was still very cold as we waited for the snow to melt. On Thursday, however, the temperature got up to 70 degrees! It was a wonderful treat, as my children and I have felt a bit of cabin fever lately. 

We started back up with science again this week. I was able to make a trip to the library by myself while my parents watched the boys and Bridget was in dance class. I borrowed books about earthquakes and volcanoes and then for our lab, we went outside to learn about the affects of earthquakes on homes. I shook the pan with the houses on it three different times, and Bridget recorded what she saw after each one. Here she is making her notes after the first small tremor. The third earthquake made the house crumble, but I forgot to take a picture after that. Bridget used to think that the thought of an earthquake rocking a house would be fun. I grew up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and have felt my share of earthquakes, but Bridget has only ever lived on the East Coast and so has never experienced even a slight tremor. After seeing the destruction of the toy houses and then seeing pictures in our book of the destruction and death that results from a strong earthquake, she takes it more seriously.

After our science lesson, the children and I remained outside until their tummies were ready for a snack. George has really made an effort to be a helpful big brother and happily pushed Liam on the swing.

Liam had a big week. We've been working on potty training. Liam does very well going on the potty each night before bed, but he still wears a diaper at all times. One morning, I changed his diaper and did not put a clean one on him. I put his little potty in the living room for easy access and he did his business numerous times throughout the day with no accidents, except with poop. We'll have to work on that part of potty training later. Bridget and George both tinkled on the potty long before they finally started pooping on it. It looks like Liam will be the same way. I am embarrassed to say that I have not done another day of potty training. My only excuse is that I'm too lazy to follow him around all day (while also taking care of other responsibilities).

My husband is beginning to get busy at work again (he is a CPA) and we will soon not be seeing very much of him, except on Sundays. It's a very busy season for all of us. 

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  1. A nice productive week! Have fun with the potty training :) I have to say that I have been enjoying this season in life without diapers.

    1. Thank you! I don't mind the diapers too much (or at least that's what I tell myself) but I do look forward to not having to change diapers or clean up "accidents".

  2. sounds like you had an excellent week.

  3. What a great week. Those spring time temps were amazing after the ice and snow.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It was very nice to be able to go outside and "thaw out"!


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