Friday, August 28, 2015

Week 35 Menu Plan

After a few recent conversations with people about our plant-based diet and the meals I prepare for my family, I had given thought to posting my weekly menu plan again. Then my friend Tiffany gave me the motivation I needed to just do it. She makes great meals for her little family and has begun posting her menu plan (you can check out her plan here). She has also given me some ideas for the coming weeks that I cannot wait to attempt.

This is our plan for the week:

Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: Chocolate Chip Waffles (made by daddy)
Dinner: Tofu Hekka
Breakfast: Cinnamon-Sugar Toast
Lunch: Fishless Filets w/ Tartar Sauce, Salad, & Pineapple Chunks
Breakfast: Multi-Grain Cheerios w/ Milk
Lunch: Tempeh, Lettuce, & Tomato sandwiches
Dinner: Mexican Pizza
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Tomato Soup, & Sliced Apples
Dinner: Lentil Loaf, Mashed Potatoes, & Corn
Breakfast: Peanut Butter Toast w/ Bananas
Lunch: Sweet and Sour Meatballs, Steamed Broccoli, & Mandarin Oranges
Dinner: Leftovers
Breakfast: Grits
Lunch: Southern Chickpea Salad w/ Crackers, Salad, & Grapes
Dinner: Pigs in a Blanket & Tater Tots
Breakfast: ---
Lunch: ---
Dinner: Tropical Island Kabobs with Cilantro Rice
I kept things fairly simple, and snacks this week will be whatever the kids want (that is mommy-approved), as I may be having surgery later in the week and may not be the one preparing the snack. Depending on the day I have my surgery, I may need to switch some meals around.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

SOTW, Ancient Times: Introduction

Books, projects, and activities in this post are appropriate for children in the grammar stage of their classical education (grades 1-4 or ages 6-9). 

Introduction: How Do We Know What Happened?

What Is History?

First we read the section titled "What Is History?" from our book. Then we read pages viii-ix from our Kingfisher History Encyclopedia.

I created my own notebooking pages to go along with our history curriculum. Nothing out there seemed to be exactly what I wanted. Because we are currently in  the grammar stage, I do not expect a lot of writing from my daughter. Just one or two sentences showing me that she understands what we read. I also wanted a notebooking page with a large area for an illustration, as I feel that art and creativity are an important part of learning and understanding. For a child unable to express themselves through writing, illustrations are the next best thing.

To understand what a timeline is, I had my children make a timeline of their lives, showing them from birth to their current age. Bridget is my primary student studying history, as George is only 3 years old. He will stick around for the fun things like stories and projects.

After the children made their own timeline, I introduced them to what we will be using for our big history timeline. While we did not necessarily study a specific topic in history, I felt that the best way to begin our timeline of the world is with Jesus Christ. They know who he is and that he lived a long time ago. Because we will begin our studies with events that happened before Jesus Christ, this is my way of putting things into perspective into their minds of when an event occurred.

What Is Archaeology?

We read the section from our book and also page ix from our Kingfisher History Encyclopedia.

Her drawing illustrates how archaeologists dig to find artifacts from long ago.

I printed out this coloring page of an archaeologist from here. My 3-year-old always wants to color with us. So my first graders is on top and my preschoolers is on the bottom (though I am sure you could have figured that out).

Our first bit of mapwork is an introduction to the continents, along with rivers and mountain ranges and the villages and cities built around them.


We add these words to our "dictionary" which is basically pieces of binder paper divided by letter with handwritten (by me) words and definitions. I try to make the definitions as easy as possible so that she can soon read them on her own.



I do not get to do nearly as much as I want to do with my children and various school subjects, as time does not always allow it. I do love getting ideas from sites like Pinterest and other blogs, and as I find those I will put them here for future use, as I have two more that will be moving up to grammar stage history before I know it!

Monday, August 3, 2015

A Day in the Life: Our Homeschool Schedule (2015-2016)

I love schedules, agendas, and to-do lists. I make them for myself and for my children. Personally, it helps me to function better throughout my day and reminds me of the things I need to get done. If I don't have it on my list, it will most likely slip my mind. I knew that I would need something similar for my daughter and her homeschool day.

We start off our homeschool day by doing our morning chores. These are the simple things like making their beds, saying morning prayers, brushing hair, getting dressed, etc. Then it's time for breakfast. I try to do something nutritious but also fun for breakfast. This morning, for example, it was cinnamon-sugar toast, strawberries, and [soy] milk.

Over the summer, Bridget requested that she do math first thing in the morning, so we made that change in our schedule this year. While she works on her math lesson (an instruction video and worksheets), George also does math in the form of puzzles and counting bears.

After math, we begin language skills. In kindergarten, this consisted of only reading and handwriting. This year we have also added spelling and grammar. While Bridget works on spelling, George and I work on the alphabet. This year, writing has changed a bit, from basic handwriting skills to learning to write complete sentences. Bridget does this Monday-Thursday. On Friday, she works on a handwriting lesson from her Zaner-Bloser book.

When I am working with Bridget on writing (which requires my instruction), George works independently on his pre-writing skills (straight lines, backward circles, etc.). This is a special time that we get out the dry-erase markers. Because these markers are only used for specific times, it's a special treat and keeps him occupied for longer. He's sometimes a perfectionist and keeps the eraser handy.

Our history lesson also includes geography (which is why you don't see a separate time for geography) and George usually likes to join us for this. He also joins us for science, but these subjects are not required for him. If he prefers to play quietly in his room, he has the freedom to do so. Typically though, he will stick around to see what fun we might be having.

Other subjects done once a week are piano, art, and music. I am teaching the piano lesson, as Bridget is still learning the basics. An hour of art is set aside for a special art project related to what we are covering in history, or for drawing lessons and other random art skills. Music this year is studying the orchestra and various composers. The reason for this is because ancient history doesn't really have much to study as far as music goes. Next year, when we are studying medieval times, we'll study music related to that period. We'll cover the composers again when we cover their time periods. For now, we're doing a gentle introduction.

Our littlest Sparrow spends his time hanging around the homeschool area with us. He'll get loud on occasion, and sometimes will need to be picked up. He's pretty good and entertaining himself as long as he knows someone is close by. If you go too long without paying him any attention, he'll start pulling books off of shelves. That's when I know it's time for some cheerios or a sippy cup of milk to distract him.

History and science usually include a project or coloring page, so while the kids are working on those, I step into the kitchen to prepare lunch. I style my lunches like "school lunch". I enjoyed school lunches as a child. Everyone has their stories about how gross the food was, but I guess I grew up in a district where the food was actually quite delicious. I recreate many of those items with a vegan twist. Today, we had "faux fish filets" and various sides to go with it. The kids love this style of lunch and I enjoy making them. Water is typically served at lunch, unless I've been a slacker with offering fruit. If so, they'll get orange juice.

After lunch, Liam goes down for a nap, George goes into his room for quiet time (or a nap if he prefers) and I sit with Bridget on her bed and do our reading lesson and practice. This is a subject that she needs my undivided attention and it needs to be quiet for her to focus (she's very easily distracted). After that, she can read for fun or play quietly.

The times given in our schedule are approximate. If Bridget is still working on a subject and close to finishing, I'll wait for her. Some subjects may take longer on certain days. Sometimes she wants to spend more time on something because she enjoys it. I don't want to put a cap on her interests and creativity just for the sake of moving on and sticking to a schedule, but I do try to keep her mostly on task. If we need to continue school work after snack time, then that is what we'll do (we've even done science experiments after dinner, because sometimes life just happens).

That's about it for our school day!

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