Friday, April 29, 2016

Week in Review 2016: #17


Last Friday night we were supposed to go camping with our church group, but the activity was cancelled due to thunderstorms. The children were disappointed so I told them that they could have a campout in the living room that night in their sleeping bags. That evening, we had hot dogs for dinner and for dessert, I layered graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows and put them in the toaster oven (it was raining at our house too, otherwise I would have had my husband fire up the grill for the hot dogs and marshmallows).

After we got the older children set up in the living room with their sleeping bags and a movie, we let Liam stay up for a while longer with them. First the children watched Robin Hood. They were still awake after that, so I put on Cinderella. Somehow, they still had not fallen asleep, so I put on The Little Mermaid. Finally, George fell asleep but Bridget was awake even after the third movie. By this time, it was after 11 o'clock. I turned off the television and told her to go to sleep. Finally by midnight, all three children were sound asleep and I headed off to bed.

We also planted our summer garden this week. We kept it small this year with only tomatoes, bell peppers, and marigolds.

At bedtime on Tuesday evening, George discovered that he had gotten a splinter earlier in the day when he was playing outside at Papa and Granny's house. His finger was red and painful. This was the very first splinter we've had to dig out of any of our children and it was a long and painful process. Every time I'd get it close to the surface to pull out with the tweezers, George would snatch his hand back, thus pushing the splinter right back in. Daddy, with far more experience with splinters than I do (and the strength to hold George down), took over while I held George's other arm and his head and sang to him. Bridget went into the hallway to say a prayer for him. Finally out came the splinter. The children were amazed at how tiny it was. George was mostly relieved. He insisted on a Band-aid, even though there was no blood involved.

We've had no word on the new house this week. We were told it takes a month or so to get permits and to do other 'behind the scenes' work. My husband is not convinced that it will be ready by November, but I'm hopeful that we will be in there before the holidays.


After my major re-do of the schedule and having everything printed out and ready for the remainder of the school year, we've been doing well and staying on task. I started a mini-project this week (nothing like the major undertaking I did earlier) and began making their Morning Time binders. We used to do Morning Time, but as Liam got bigger he made it almost impossible to get it done. If I was reading something, he was fussing and grabbing at the book. If the children were reciting something to me, he was making so much noise that I could not hear what was being said. Now that he is almost 2, he has become less clingy and fussy and more cooperative. I look forward to having Bridget and George do memory work again. They've always loved it.

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  1. We love family camp outs in the living room (well, OK the kids love it; mom and dad always sneak off and sleep in their own rooms).


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