Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week in Review 2015: #36, #37, #38


We recently enjoyed a family vacation to Washington, DC. My in-laws joined us and we were able to go to a few museums, the zoo, and the monuments. This was our last big vacation for the year. Washington, DC was especially excited for their upcoming visit by Pope Francis (oh how I love this pope!) and were already beginning to block off roads and other areas and to clean up the city. While I wish we were staying long enough to catch a glimpse of him (that would be a once-in-a-lifetime treat for this American), I'm glad we left just before the big crowds arrived.

I've published a couple of posts about our trip in more details and pictures, which can be viewed here:

Washington, DC (Part 1)
Washington, DC (Part 2)

On our way out of DC, we took a detour and drive up to Maryland to see my cousin and his family. It was so nice to see them after 9 years. More about that visit in my Washington, DC posts.

Recovery after our trip has been difficult. The kids have gotten back to a good routine, but I've been suffering from a stiff body. My husband and I shared two double beds with all three children. We're used to a king-sized bed. I shared my double bed with Liam and Bridget. I feel like I slept on less than a foot of space for all 3 nights. Six nights later and I'm still not recovered.



We studied some of the kid's favorite characters from the Old Testament: Abraham and Joseph. We reviewed the stories (the kid's know them very well already) and watched a cartoon movie about Joseph for one of our Family Movie Nights. We then ventured deeper into Mesopotamia and studied Sargon of Mesopotamia, Hammurabi of Babylon (and Hammurabi's Code), and the Assyrians. We read one of the oldest stories in the world, The Epic of Gilgamesh. To say the kids loved it is an understatement. I had purchased the children's version which comes in three separate books. My intention was to read one each day. Instead, I read them in one sitting. Bridget kept wanting more and more. It's a fascinating tale and I am glad we took the time to read it together.

A Few Books We've Read...

Gilgamesh the King (The Gilgamesh Trilogy) by Ludmila Zeman
The Revenge of Ishtar (The Gilgamesh Trilogy) by Ludmila Zeman
The Last Quest of Gilgamesh (The Gilgamesh Trilogy) by Ludmila Zeman 

Family Movie Night

I am a little behind, so I have a couple of movies to report. For week #36, we had studied the story of Joseph from the Old Testament. For our movie, I picked Joseph, King of Dreams. The kids enjoyed it so much they ended up watching it again the next day.
We did not watch a movie for week #37 because we were on vacation in Washington, DC.
No movie this week either.
Next Week's Movie: African Cats 

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