Can you believe this little guy is already 6 months old?

He's come such a long way in just 6 months. He came into the world completely helpless and now he's a jumping, smiling, giggling, playful little baby boy. His official 6 month milestone was on a Sunday, so I was able to snap a picture of him with his big sister before church.

We also can't leave Bridget completely out of this post, since she is the proud big sister and all. Here she is posing in one of the dresses her Granny in Hawaii made for her. There is a matching skirt for mommy in the making.

Now back to George. Here he was later that evening. He starts off on a blanket in the middle of the living room floor but very seldom ever stays on it. A minute later, you can find him all the way over by the couch. He's not crawling yet; he rolls from front to back and is able to rotate his body in whichever direction he wants to go. This method is definitely taking him places and keeps me on my toes. There have been a few split seconds in which I have "lost" him (meaning, he wasn't any where near where I left him!).

George and Bridget play very well together, most of the time. Here is Bridget reading George a story (you might be able to also notice the French braid in Bridget's hair. It is finally growing long enough for me to start making it pretty. It's not the neatest braid because her hair is still too short in some places and she wiggles like a typical 2-year-old).

After George heard the camera go off, he rolled onto his back. He's got the chubbiest legs and cutest knee wrinkles.

Also after taking pictures, Bridget loves to run to me and see the picture I just took, then wants me to take more, and she wants to see each one. Here's one of her with a cute yet cheesy smile.

Back to George again. His 6-month measurements are: 19 lbs. 14 oz. and 27 inches long. He's my big boy! But what can you expect when he has a 6'2" daddy. Here's the big boy next to his daddy for size comparison. One day George is going to be just as big, and just as handsome, if not more so.
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