My husband finally graduated with his master's degree in accounting at the beginning of this month. It has been a long 2.5 years, from the time he took his GMAT to starting the masters degree program, and finally graduating. We attended both graduations. On Friday, we attended the university graduation at the football stadium. The doctorate students, masters degree students, and the teachers all sat on the field and wore black gowns. The undergraduate students sat in the stadium seats and they all wore purple gowns.

While the temperature wasn't too hot, the sun was still shining very bright. Granddaddy did a good job keeping the sun off of George's head. I felt so bad about forgetting to bring his hat! Grandma kept Bridget entertained.

Daddy and the babies outside the stadium:

The next day, we attended the graduation for the College of Business. My husband sat on the second row in the section closest to us. We had a pretty good view of him the whole time.

Bridget kept busy with a bag of banana chips:

We took just a few family pictures outside after the graduation because we wanted to beat the traffic out of there. I wish more would have turned out, but the best I could get is the one at the top of this post, and we're still not all looking at the camera!